“Museum night 2015”

The Municipality of Yerevan and the Yerevan history Museum invite you to the events to be held on May 16 within the frames of “Museum night 2015” action. The events are dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial.
On May 16, from 11.00 till 24.00 the exhibition called “I remember and demand: Rebirth” is open within the frames of the event called “Museums: memory witnesses”. The aim of the exhibition is to present Yerevan before 1915 and afterwards in the context of creation of shelters for refugees, elimination of the consequences of the greatest disaster, the reconstruction and rebirth of Yerevan.
On the same day, at 20.00 the presentation of the book dedicated to the memories of Zarmine Vasilyan from Cilicia who survived the Genocide.
Yerevan History Museum