The numismatic collection

The numismatic collection includes money from different time and countries which testifies of the economic and trade relations of Yerevan. The collection consists of Roman, Byzantine, Iranian, Mongolian, Russian, As well as Armenian Cilicia kingdom and the Soviet coins and paper money. Stamps, paper money, medals, badges are included in a separate group.
A medal received by Vahram Seghbos in 1936 for his collection of Armenian stamps at the exhibition of stamps in New York is kept in the fund. In 1969 Hayk Gavukchyan presented this medal together with the collection of stamps to the executive committee of Yerevan City Council and the latter handed it to the museum.
The orders and medals belonged to eminent statesmen, scientists, art figures: Aharonayan, Avetyants, vahan Artsruni, haykanush Danielyan, gaspar Yevangulyan, Petros Yesapov, Levon Hovhannisyan, Tigran Petrosyan, Rafael Vahanyan-this is only a small part of those people. It’s impossible to name them all.
There are also medals with the imprints of various monuments of Yerevan or referred to different events: issued on the event of Yerevan’s 2750th anniversary, on the event of the birth of the 1 milliardth resident of Yerevan, the medal Honorary citizen of Yerevan belonging to Pirumov and others. A big group of badges was issued on the event of Artsakh movement.