Scientific council

“Yerevan History Museum”
Scienific Council staff broaden by CNCO

Mayor of Yerevan (honourable president)

Armine Sargsyan
Director of Yerevan History Museum, candidate of historical science (president)

Gosh Sargsyan
Head of the culture department of the staff of Yerevan Municipality

Pavel Avetisyan
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of NAS of the Republic of Armenia

Ashot Melkonyan
Director of History Institute of NAS of the Republic of Armenia, associate member of the Academy

Hayk Avetisyan
Head of Archeology and Ethnography Chair of History Faculty of YSU, doctor of historical science

Edik Minasyan
Dean of the Faculty of History of YSU, doctor of historical science

Levon Abrahamyan
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of NAS of the Republic of Armenia, associate member of the Academy

Ashot Piliposyan
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of RA, doctor of historical science

Suren Hobosyan
Head of Ethnography Departament of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of NAS of the Republic of Armenia, candidate of historical science

Mkhitar Gabrielyan
Lecturer of History Faculty of YSU, candidate of historical science

Ruben Badalyan
Scientific worker of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS of the Republic of Armenia, candidate of historical science

Harutyun Marutyan
Doctor of historical science

Vahagn Mamyan
Director of “Karen Demirchyan Museum” CNCO

Hakob Simonyan
Director of scientific- research centre of historical cultural heritage, candidate of historical science

Gagik Gyurjyan
Chairman of the National Committee IKOMOS Armenia

Mkrtich Minasyan
President of the Union of Achitects

Vahagn Marabyan
Director of Cafesjian Cultural Centre

Hripsime Pikichyan
President of Museum Workers and friends Association

Marine Haroyan
Director of ICOM Armenia National Committee

Ruzanna Mkrtchyan
A1+ journalist

Lusine Amirjanyan
Scientific associate director of Yerevan History Museum

Avo Hovhannisyan

Expert in Iranian culture

Anahit Amiryan

Chief of fund of Yerevan History Museum

Hermine Sargsyan
Scientific secretary of Yerevan History Museum

Marina Khachmanukyan
Head of the department of excursion and PR of Yerevan History Museum

Anjela Teryan
Director of the department of old and medieval history of Yerevan History Museum

Gevorg Orbelyan
Head of the department of exhibitions and design of Yerevan History Museum