The Yerevan History Museum has been replenished with a rich collection of Oriental culture

The Yerevan History Museum has been replenished with a rich collection of Oriental culture which includes exclusive samples.

The collection is a present from Iran Armenian living in the USA Rostom Voskanyan to the museum and it was handed to the museum by the grantor’s brother, Zaven Voskanyan. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan was present at the ceremony of handing the valuable collection to the museum and got acquainted with the samples of the collection.

The collection consists of ritual religious and household articles used in the 17th and 19th centuries: amulets, caskets, icon-lamps, seals, locks, taps, jewelry, even 2500-year-old coins of the period of Darius. The collection includes 2000 samples, which the grantor bought during his journeys at different times in Iran, India, Pakistan and other Oriental countries.

The consultation of experts and making up historical passports for 2000 samples will require several months. Therefore, the collection will be ready for a separate exhibition at the end of the year. After getting acquainted with the samples Taron Margaryan handed the Yerevan Mayor’s thanksgiving diploma addressed to Rostom Voskanyan to his brother Zaven Voskanyan.

Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan

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