Report for 2024


1. On May 18, on International Museum Day, an exhibition of the collection of the famous Iranian-Armenian architect Rostom Voskanyan was held under the title “I don’t know what I want to say…” (from May 18 to June 19).
2. Organized exhibition “Faience history of Yerevan” (from June 4 to September 4).
3. Organized exhibition “Artists to Yerevan. 15 years later…” (from October 8 to December 8).
4. An exhibition was organized under the name “The charm of Fujian”, where unique examples of decorative and applied art of modern Fujian (PRC) are presented (from December 23 to February 23, 2025).

Joint exhibitions with other museums of Armenia
1. Organized a joint exhibition of the National Institute of Architecture. A. Tamanyan, Museum of History of Yerevan, National Library of Armenia and private collectors under the title “Yerevan Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (from October 7 to February 1, 2025).
2. An exhibition entitled “Ksherq” (Scale)  was organized jointly with the Museum of Russian Art (from December 27 to April 2, 2025).
3. In the Museum of the History of Armenian Wine, the exhibition of 11 exhibits of the museum continues (until July 5, 2025).
4. A joint exhibition was organized with the Yerevan State University under the name “Role of students in the post-Soviet liberal culture of Armenia” (from October 14 to March 21, 2025).

Exhibitions overseas
1. In the museum of the city of Ningbo (China), an exhibition was held under the name “Noah’s Land” (from January 30 to May 5).
2. In the museum of the city of Xi’an (province of Shaanxi, China), the exhibition “Blooming Pomegranate from Noah’s Land” took place (from May 18 to August 18).
3. In the museum of the city of Guangzhou (province of Guangdong, China) there is an open exhibition called “Armenia” (from November 13 to March 23, 2025).




Scientific research work

A collection of materials from the conference “From Lori Fortress to Stepanavan. Traces of Historical and Cultural Heritage” was published: features of renaming Lori toponyms after independence (using the city of Vanadzor as an example), Yerevan, 2024, pp. 178-190.
2. Articles by M. Avetisyan (Head of the Department of Modern History of Yerevan)
“Museum exposition of the products of the Yerevan faience factory using the example of the Yerevan History Museum” was published in the Collection of materials on the Sardarapat heroic battle and in the Collection of foundations of the museum of ethnography of the Armenian people, pp. 76-79, Yerevan, 2024, GTD 39.069.01 (082).
“The Fragile Charm of the Yerevan Faience Factory” was published in the journal “World of Science”, N2, ISSN 1829-0345, Yerevan, 25.07.2024, pp. 26-29.
“Several Unique Samples from the Collection of Silver Belts of the Yerevan History Museum” was published in the scientific collection “Folk Decorative and Applied Arts: from Origins to the Present”, ISBN 978-985-896-795-6, Colorgrad Publishing House, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 27.07.2024, pp. 86-93.
• “On Some Faience Figurines Produced in Yerevan” was published in the collection of materials of the IV Republican Conference, GTD 748, pp. 89-102, Gyumri, 6.11.2024.
• Abstract of the report “Faience figurines as examples of decorative and applied art” published in the conference abstracts “Cultural heritage of the North Caucasus as a resource for interethnic harmony”, ISBN 978-5-86443-476-5, DOI 10.34685, p. 4, Krasnodar, Gelendzhik, 10/27/2024.
3. Articles S. Harutyunyan (head of the department of modern history of Yerevan)
“Copper business” published in the newspaper “Shohakn” (April 4, (489), 2024).
“From a provincial school to a boys’ gymnasium” published in the collection of materials of the international conference “Tiflis Nersisyan School and its role in the educational life of the Caucasus”, Yerevan, 2024, pp. 297-306.
“Mshak” about Yerevanians” was published in the collection of materials of the international conference organized by the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the founding of the newspaper “Mshak”, pp. 218-228. Also published:
“The Main Tourism Resources and Infrastructure Potential of Yerevan in the Context of Urban Tourism Development”, “European University”, collection of scientific articles, 15 (01) 2024, pages 71-86, author – G. Orbelyan (Link)
“Development of the Tourism Cluster in Yerevan: Focus on Healthcare and Leisure”, Health Economics and Management Review (HEM), Volume 5, Issue 3, 2024, pages 78-91, author – G. Orbelyan (Link )
“Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Affecting the Tourism Structure in Yerevan”, Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science (CCS&ES), Volume 9, Issue III, November 2024, author – G. Orbelyan (Link) Socio-Economic Challenges for the Urban Ecosystem: Complex Model of Smart Tourism and Infrastructure, Socio-Economic Challenges, Volume 8 Issue 4, 2024, pages 146-160 author – G. Orbelyan (Link ) A brochure on the history of Kond quarter was published (author — Susanna Harutyunyan, Yerevan 2024, 70 pages).

Participation in scientific conferences
1. International conference “Ani Archaeological School” (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia). “Ani in the collection of the Yerevan History Museum”. (L. Amirjanyan)
2. The Eighth International Forum “Traditional Culture as a Strategic Resource for Sustainable Development of Society” (Mogilev, Republic of Belarus). “Several Unique Samples from the Collection of Silver Belts of the Yerevan History Museum” (M. Avetisyan).
3. Conference “Ethnographic and Philological Readings” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of A. Jalalyan (Araks, Armavir Region).”Museumization of the Products of the Yerevan Porcelain Factory on the Example of the Yerevan History Museum” (M. Avetisyan).
4. The Fourth Republican Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Name of Leninakan “Ethnographic and Philological Readings” in the Shirak Center for Armenian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (Gyumri, Shirak region).  “Women Artists of the Yerevan Porcelain Factory”. (M. Avetisyan).                                                                                                                                                             5. International Scientific Conference “Museum Professionalism and Ethics in Difficult Times” (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia).  “Theatricalization as a Means of Museum Communication” (M. Khachmanukyan).
6. International Scientific Conference “Museum Professionalism and Ethics in Difficult Times” (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia).  “The Role of Information Technologies in the Development of Museums on the Example of Yerevan” (G. Orbelyan).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7. International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of the Founding of the Nersisyan School. Speaker S. Harutyunyan – “From a county school to a boys’ gymnasium”.

Enrichment of the museum collection
In 2024, 731 items were added to the museum’s collections, of which 212 were included in the main collection, 519 in the scientific auxiliary collection. 151 items were purchased, 580 were received as a gift.

Restoration and adjustments
8 items were restored, including one painting by P. Terlemezyan “Winter in Yerevan”, 5 archaeological items, one silver belt (Tiflis, 1872), one “Red Star” order. 12 items were conserved.
3,968 items were added to the electronic information database on cultural values.
The total number of visitors in 2024 is 25 015, of which 17 940 and 7075 free entrance.
803 excursions were conducted

Educational programs
Interactive excursions: “Discover Yerevan!” (for middle and high school students) and “Know-it-all in the museum” (for preschoolers).
Lesson-excursion “Yerevan Fortress” (for high school students).
Puzzle game “Restore from fragments” (for high school students)
Entertaining and educational program “Doll’s Stories” (no age limit).

Events and initiatives 
As part of the celebration of the annual festival “Days of Francophonie”, the event “They fought for France” was held, a performance by students of the French Educational Complex named after Anatole France was organized.   Lecture by architect A. Minasyan about famous Armenian architects of Iran.
As part of the annual event “Night at the Museum”, a lecture on the topic “Museum Publications” was held, and a restorer’s master class was also organized. Deputy director of the museum  L. Amirjanyan delivered a lecture entitled “Armenia is the land of Noah” for the students of Xi’an University, Shaanxi Province, China (May 18).
As part of the “European Heritage Days”, the chairman of the “Armenian-Chinese Cooperation Center” A. Mkhitaryan and the director of the Geological Museum named after H. Karapetyan – G. Grigoryan presented the exhibitions they held in China in 2023-2024.
As part of the exhibition “Porcelain History of Soviet Yerevan”, a lecture was held dedicated to the ceramic artist Hripsime Simonyan (lecturers – PhD in Art History S. Chukassian and L. Sargsyan). The lecture ended with a screening of the Soviet documentary film “Clay Song”.                                                                                                          Museum Management and Marketing Coordinator G. Orbelyandelivered a lecture at the Provincial Museum of Guangzhou, China on the exhibition titled “Armenia” (November 18).
“The Snowman” interactive puppet show and visit to the “Puppet Stories” exhibition, (December 03, 04, 05, 14, 22, 28)