Event dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the Treaty of Turkmenchay

On March 29 an event dedicated to 185th anniversary of the treaty of Turkmenchay and the historical event of joining Eastern Armenia to Russia. The treaty of Turkmenchay was signed on February 10, 1828 and the last Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828 was finished with it.

At the event arranged by the joint initiative of the representation of Armenian-Russian cooperation and the Yerevan History Museum there were present: the Ambassador of Russia to Armenia Vyacheslav Kovalenko, the first secretary of the Ambassador, Mark Kalinin also holding the office of the deputy leader of Russian Cooperation, the director of History Institute of the RA National Academy Ashot Melkonyan, the Dean of the Faculty of History of Yerevan State University Edik Minasyan, a number of intellectuals, veterans of the Great Patriotic was, members of the union of «The Soviet officers», many friends of the museum, visitors.

Greeting those present the director of the museum Armine Sargsyan expressed hope that the activities with the Russian cooperation would be continuous. At the next stage a joint catalogue will be signed where they will include the materials about the treaty of Turkmenchay kept in the funds of the museum which will be presented to public for the first time.

In his speech the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Armenia noted that finishing his mission in our country he will always speak about the devotion and dignity of the Armenian people. He highly appreciated the respect of our people shown to our history and stressed that «if people treat their history this way they will stay forever and such a country will never disappear from maps».

The first secretary of the Ambassador of Russia M. Kalinin said, «The Armenian-Russian relations had experienced a lot in the course of time and today it can be considered the most successful model of bilateral cooperation in the post-Soviet region and this aspect let us look at the future not only with hope but with confidence as well».

The director of the RA NAS Institute of History A. Melkonyan in his speech thoroughly referred to the historical assessment of the treaty of Turkmenchay.

We’d like to note that the event took place in the YHM exhibition hall dedicated to the New History of Yerevan which was enriched with new samples. The number of the material related to Yerevan fortress model and the Russian-Persian war (weapons, documents, thematic paintings) was replenished with sculptures, books, paintings, plans and so on enriching the exhibition hall dedicated to this theme.
