The museum is ready to take on the role of a museum-institute and become a scientific center

The greeting speech of Armine Sargsyan : the director of Yerevan History Museum, in the solemn session devoted to the 80th anniversary of the museum

Honorable guests, partners, friends, I greet you in our hospitable museum. The reason of our meeting is the 80th anniversary of Yerevan History Museum. I’m thankful to you for participating our jubilee, and I also want to say, that the museum not only collaborates with you, but also gets valuable advices and suggestions.

Yerevan History Museum was founded in 1931. Five times being replaced from place to place, finally, it was established in this wonderful building, which with Yerevan Municipality composes one architectural complex.

With the help of RA Government and Yerevan Municipality on the 3rd of April in 2007, the museum again opened his doors for the visitors. It is represented by the exhibition ‘’Yerevan from the old times up to nowadays’’, where Yerevan is represented as not only one of the old cities of the world, but also as a center of civilization having a history of several millenniums.

Today the museum has its place among the other Armenian museums, and it has become a unique cultural center representing our capital. It is one of the leading museums with the number of its exhibits and the number of its visitors.

Today there are more than 90000 exhibits in the museum, the protection of which is done on a high professional level, providing appropriate atmosphere and security for the generations to come.

I want to thank all the people, who helped us to enrich the museum collections (since 2006 up to nowadays they have presented to our museum 1750 exhibits).

During the last five years about 1876 exhibits were cleaned and restored.

The museum exhibition and the main part of the funds correspond to the demands of the modern museum. There are open funds, and there are all the conditions for the tourists from all over the world.

The museum realizes scientific activity, as a result of which since 2008 more than 15 books in Armenian and English were published, one part of which represents museum collections, the other part is devoted to the history of Yerevan.

It’s worth to mention ‘’Yerevan Annals’’, which has the value of a short document of our capital’s age – old history.

Not less valuable is the first part of the book ‘’The Prominent Families of Yerevan’’, where are represented the families and figures of the 20th century, who played an important role in the life of Yerevan. This work will be continuous, which will involve the famous citizens of the future.

In 2006 and 2008 scientific sessions were held devoted to the history of the past and the present of Yerevan, with the help of which the history and the culture of the city were represented to the society.

The museum has a scientific council, the honorable president of which is the Mayor of Yerevan , the members are the heads of the appropriate departments of the staff of Yerevan Municipality, academicians of NAS of RA, doctors, candidates of historical science, directors of museums.

Important educational programs are realized in the museum and also lesson and game excursions are held with schools. All these things help not only to learn everything about the city, but also to value it.

The museum has a professional and young staff. They have practiced in American, European and Russian museums. With their great practice they do their best to make the museum appropriate to the European standards . Some of the museum workers are members of ICOM (International Council of Museums), museum workers’ and friends’ association.

Yerevan History Museum has serious perspectives. Scientific works let us say that it is ready to take the role of museum – institute and become an important center studying the history, life and culture of Yerevan.

Besides the museum can represent Yerevan abroad, which will help the development of the tourism. It also has an important role of keeping traditions and spreading the culture of the city.

The museum does its main mission (that is keeping the cultural and historical values of the city) with great responsibility, and we are sure that the generations will appreciate and will be grateful to the present staff, who do their best in the development and the prosperity of our capital. Let me congratulate and wish success to my dear staff, as everyone does his work with great honor and pleasure.

Armine Sargsyan
director of Yerevan History Museum
candidate of historical science