“I remember and demand. Rebirth”

Prior to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the exhibition called “I remember and demand. Rebirth” opened in the foyer of the Municipality of Yerevan. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan, the Vice President of the RA NA Hermine Naghdalyan, RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan, members of the Council of Elders of Yerevan, other officials, numerous guests were present at the event.
The aim of the exhibition is to present the public the city of Yerevan before 2015 and after it in the context of providing shelters for refugees, elimination of the consequences of the greatest disaster, reconstruction of Yerevan and its rebirth. Mayor Taron Margaryan accompanied by the director of the Yerevan History Museum Armine Sargsyan walked about the foyer, familiarized himself with the exhibited samples. About 30 posters of unknown photos make it possible for public to get acquainted with Yerevan of the beginning of the 20th century with its structures, their role and significance in those days and nowadays. Presenting Mayor Taron Margaryan the big model of the Forget-Me-Not with the names of the towns and provinces suffered the Genocide signed on it, the director of the museum noted that unique materials telling about that period are exhibited in 10 glass showcases. The national costumes of Yerevan of those period, embroidery samples, an 18th century carpet, as well as a big poster with space to stand and sit depicting a big Armenian family are exhibited separately.
Answering the questions of the journalists the Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Aram Sukiasyan stressed the importance of holding the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide said that the series of the events will be long-lasting.
“The commission of the Municipality coordinating the organizational activities dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which functions in parallel with the state commission is carrying out various events one of which is today’s exhibition. Numerous samples kept in the Yerevan History Museum and which are not always displayed, can be seen at the exhibition. Here, at the posters below the headings one can see written claims which are very important as well. A particular place at the exhibition is occupied by the chest in which are kept the keys to the houses of those our compatriots who had a hairbreadth escape from Ergir (Western Armenia) and one they we will open those abandoned houses with these keys”, stressed the Deputy Mayor Aram Sukiasyan.
Anna Mailyan, the Choir of voice preservation school and the chamber orchestra of Children’s Philharmonic after Yu. Bakhsyan performed during the event. Thematic films were shown on two big screens.
The exhibition “I remember and demand. Rebirth” is open in the foyer of the Municipality of Yerevan till April 30, then it will move to the Yerevan History Museum and will be open till the end of the year.