The City of Yerevan as a New Platform for the Development of Modern Armenian Painting (1960-1980)

1960-1980s of the 20th century are considered to be substantive and bright stage in the modern history of Armenian fine art. New political situation contributed to the advance of culture’s various fields. This uplift was the consequence of “Khruschev’s thaw” that brought to specific changes. In its turn, Yerevan as the capital developed in a new way, for a short time gaining a new trait.
Yerevan gained a new breath, activated its social-cultural life. In these years Yerevan became a new, more independent platform for modern fine art development. In Yerevan one after another were erected sculptures, opened exhibitions, museums, studios and the top of it was the foundation of Modern Art Museum in 1972 by art critic H. Igityan.
The development of Armenian fine art went in different ways, gaining new modern traits. The representatives of new artistic generation living in Yerevan and artists that moved to Motherland out of diaspora and settled in Motherland helped to outline the modern period of Armenian fine art.
The article deals with the development ways of Armenian modern fine art and specifies the role of Yerevan in that process.