From the history of Yerevan city expansion

History of Dalma’s four former villages, which are currently part of Malatia-Sebastia, Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan – Davitashen (First village), Anastasavan (Second village), Silikyan (Third village, then Spandaryan), Haghtanak (Fourth village) is an important part of history of the Capital.

In 1939-1940 according to the planned order over 1000 families from the mountain and foothill regions (Aparan, Martuni, Nor Bayazet) of the Republic were relocated here in purpose of appropriating of Dalma’s desolate lands (“ghr’ “) and establishing fruit and grapes orchards. Despite the efforts, the housing construction of Dalma’s 4 villages was delayed and incomplete. The settlers were living in temporary homes (“baracks”) for a long time, in deplorable conditions, lack of basic facilities. The newly established settlements economically strengthened and developed in the postwar years.

Hamo K. Sukiasyan
PhD in History, Institute of History, NAS RA